Sugar Cravings after Quitting Alcohol: 10 Dietitian-Approved Tips

Cross-tolerance means that someone who is dependent on one addictive substance may also have higher tolerance for another. This can make it easier to become dependent on that other substance—such as replacing alcohol with sugar. Once that source, in this instance alcohol, is cut out of a person’s lifestyle, your brain “starts seeking some other thing that stimulates the pleasure center.” I couldn’t stop wondering why my preference for minty cocktails had turned into a craving for mint chocolate chip ice cream.

When you drink alcohol, your liver becomes preoccupied with metabolizing alcohol. While it’s focused on this, it cannot release enough glucose into the bloodstream. Besides inducing similar sensations, the two substances can also lead to overloading the liver when taken in excess. Try not to go longer than four or five hours without eating, to maintain optimal blood sugar and insulin levels. If you drank a glass of wine at exactly 5pm every night, prepare to have something delicious and hydrating at that time.

Physical Effects

Yes, it is very common for recovering alcoholics to experience sugar cravings. This is because sugar can provide a similar feeling of pleasure and reward as alcohol, due to its effect on the brain’s reward center. Understanding the science behind sugar cravings in alcohol recovery can shed light on why individuals in this process often experience intense desires for sugary foods and beverages.

why do alcoholics crave sugar

As PubMed finds, sugar consumption releases dopamine in the brain, activating its reward system. This sets the physical foundations for addiction, of course, and begins to encourage substance consumption. Even if the individual can’t consciously feel it, their brain does. Studies show that alcoholism is at least partially why do alcoholics crave sugar hereditary, and this may also be true of sugar addiction. Scientists have discovered that children of alcoholic parents may be more likely to have a sweet tooth. Sugar also triggers dopamine receptors in the brain, and over time a person can become desensitized to it, while experiencing strong cravings.

Understanding the Science Behind Cravings

Including foods high in fiber, rich in protein, and loaded with healthy fats can keep you satisfied for longer and hence, you are less likely to be drawn towards sugary substances. Comprehending that sugar cravings are a common side effect of quitting alcohol will aid in its management. These cravings are unbeknownst to many, invading subtly with symptoms like persistent thoughts of sugary food, anxiety, restlessness, and even mood swings.

why do alcoholics crave sugar

If you’re seeking AUD treatment for yourself or a loved one, noting which treatment providers offer these therapies is advisable. Sugar cravings are extremely common, and can play a crucial role in recovery – as outlined above. Active alcoholics often experience altered eating patterns because alcohol can affect appetite, taste buds, and absorption of nutrients. (4) For these reasons, heavy drinkers may not eat meals regularly.

Your Recovery Starts Here

But even in cases of expected sugar cravings, fueled entirely by alcohol withdrawal, psychotherapy tends to be the ideal tool. What has to differ is exactly where such therapies focus, but their merit remains the same. Finally, alcohol addiction manifests in behavioral addiction as well. It is to say, however, that substance addiction also has a purely behavioral side; the habit of substance consumption in itself. A study shows the link between consumption of alcohol and a desire for sweets.

Have snacks on hand such as dates & almond butter, popcorn, yogurt & berries or granola, dried fruit, fresh fruit, a smoothie, popsicle, seltzers, teas, kombucha. Lean meat, seafood, eggs, tofu, edamame, tempeh, beans, nuts, hummus, seeds, almond butter.. (However a mix of both is ideal!) Protein can keep you satisfied throughout the day and provides amino acids to help combat cravings.

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