Stages Of Alcoholism Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment

Treatment is most beneficial for those at the point of middle-stage alcoholism. They haven’t reached a place where their health declined too far and they can make some extreme changes in their lives. Attending alcohol rehab at this stage will be incredibly beneficial. Signs such as drinking at work, while looking after children or when driving are indicators of this stage. You’ve likely become more irritable, and alcohol may start to affect you differently.

Once cirrhosis is established, if these procedures are not enough, a liver transplant becomes the only option and is not guaranteed even with full abstinence, due to transplant supply/demands. Sadness, boredom, or loneliness also become excuses to drink, rather than seeking out other activities. The first time someone uses alcohol could be when they are still a child—or over the legal age of 21. No matter what you do, don’t give up hope – recovery is achievable if you keep at it. Especially, since liquor is legal and can be easily found everywhere. Alcoholics will typically have a harder time maintaining a stable neurochemical level in their brain.

Stage 2: Increase in Alcoholic Consumption, Cravings, Tolerance

Alcohol-induced blackouts are also common in this stage of alcohol abuse, which may become longer and more frequent as time passes. You may not even remember where you went, what you did, or who you were with during these blackouts, which can be dangerous for several reasons. You do not necessarily have to drink every day to be an alcoholic, but that also doesn’t mean your drinking habits aren’t a cause for concern.

3 stages of alcoholism

If you constantly turn to alcohol to deal with stress and anxiety, your body will start to rely on it. During this stage, you probably continue to fulfill your obligations at school, work, and home. Additionally, many people remain in denial of their drinking problem at this point. The first of the occurs when a problem drinker has slipped into the early stages of dependence. When you drink more often, and in increasing amounts, you begin to develop a tolerance. Your body becomes used to having alcohol in your system and begins to depend on it.

What Are Some Risk Factors of Alcoholism?

Following detox, various therapies will be used to help you address the issues underlying the alcohol abuse. There are factors that pop up again and again when determining who might have an issue with alcoholism. If you’re in the “at-risk” population, it doesn’t take much to become dependent on alcohol or other drugs.

For example, you may notice your hands are shaky; you have chills and sweats, stomach cramps, and digestive issues. You may also have trouble sleeping, nausea, vomiting, irritability, and headaches. Alcoholism, now called alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a brain disorder that doesn’t develop overnight. For many, in the beginning, drinking alcohol is just something fun to do with friends. They don’t realize how continued use affects the brain and body, leading to more serious conditions, including addiction. His contributions helped frame the way the medical community understands alcohol addiction to this day.

The History of the Alcoholism Research

Those signs include slurring words, loss of balance and poor physical coordination. This means that people living with an addiction are more likely to contract illnesses like the flu or pneumonia. Often we hear the terms ‘alcoholism’ and ‘alcohol abuse’ used interchangeably. You may also spend your days thinking about drinking and when you’ll be able to have your next drink.

3 stages of alcoholism

In the third stage of alcoholism, the emotional and physical consequences of chronic drinking become more obvious. At this point, you may be completely obsessed with drinking and may feel as if you need alcohol just to get through the day. Stage one of alcoholism includes gradually relying more on alcohol to cope with life’s stressors, which is also one of the most common warning signs of alcoholism. People who eventually develop this condition may have first started drinking to cope with things like financial issues, relationship problems, stress, mental illness, or other stressors. In the early stages of alcoholism, you may find yourself drinking nearly every day.

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